2001-2002 Calendar

Programme 2001-2002


October 3 Chris Bradley Ethiopia and Eritrea, the Hidden Lands
History and beauty: ancient Christian towns, the Nile, lakes and mountains.
October 17 John Pilkington The Royal Road of the Incas
A goal reached: adventure and surprises on a 1,700 mile trail in the Andes.
November 7 Audrey Olley Images of India
Glimpses of India's palaces, temples, markets, festivals, people, countryside and wildlife.
November 21 Social

Annual Social for Members

December 5 Sheila Collenette Travels in Oman
Plant-hunting in a country of desserts and beautiful mountain scenery.
December 19 Mike Banks Up and Down
Climbing Hua Shan in China and descending the Havasu Canyon in USA.

January 16 Paul Goldstein The Hunters and the Hunted
After ‘Africa on the Wild Side’ and ‘Africa on the Wilder Side’ Africa doesn't get any more wild than this!
January 30 Dea Birkett Serpent in Paradise
Pitcairn Island and the darker side of life for Bounty mutineer descendants.
February 6 Janice Booth Rwanda – a Voyage of Discovery
Post-genocide, a safe, friendly, beautiful country with abundant wildlife.
February 20 Exodus Langurs to Lemurs
Madagascar and Sri Lanka – two islands of unique natural history.
March 6 Hilary Bradt Trekking in Peru
Impressions of the scenery, wildlife, the people and their history.
March 20 Alan Bott The Silk Road
A classic journey from China to Samarkand and the Mediterranean.
March 3 Kevin Morgan On the Trail of the Whale
Whales, dolphins and other marine mammals in oceans around the world.
April 17 AGM & Ian Currie Weather Lore
After the AGM Ian will let us into the secrets of forecasting the weather!