Guildford Travel Club Presents

Myanmar – Land of Golden Temples

18th March 2014

Harry & Jean Wickens

Novice monk
Novice Monk

Harry and Jean visited Myanmar in Autumn 2012 for 3 weeks on a small group holiday. The itinerary was changed shortly before they went due to ongoing 'problems' in the west of the country, and they were always aware of a strong military presence. However this was counterbalanced by pictures of 'The Lady' everywhere they went.

Their journey started in Yangon, then to Golden Rock and the infamous Burma Railway in the southeast; to Bagan with it's hundreds of ancient temples; a short cruise on the river Irrawaddy to Mandalay and on to Lake Inle with its feet rowing fishermen and floating gardens; and then up into the Shan Hills to visit hilltribe villages. This summary describes just a few of the places visited - it was a photographer's paradise with friendly people and scenic views at every turn.

Myanmar is a land of contrasts filled with golden temples - ancient and modern, old British colonial buildings and a country beginning to open up to democracy (?) and tourism.

The end of the Burma Railway
Fishing on Lake Inle
Novice monks collecting food for the monastery
A Hilltribe lady (yes her teeth are black - this is the local fashion)
Another village - lady in the Shan Hills
Fishing near the famous mile-long teak footbridge
A Market trader selling shallots and garlic
Modern Buddhas and stupas