About the Club

Founded in 1966, Guildford Travel Club has gained a high reputation for the quality of its speakers, including the number of distinguished photographers and writers it attracts from all over the U.K.

The club meets on alternate Tuesdays from October to April at Onslow Village Hall in Guildford, where talks are illustrated by digital photographs/slides projected onto a large screen.

A typical evening programme has the following format:

All the speakers have an interesting story to tell and a set of photographs to capture your imagination.

random travel image
Wadi Rum, Jordan   © Tony Escritt
President Phoebe Smith
Vice President Leon McCarron
Chair Tom Garside
Vice Chair & Minutes Sue Rooke
Treasurer Colin Rumary
Membership Secretary Barbara Rogers
Programme Manager Carol Busby
Hall Manager & Web Andrew Luyten
Assistant Hall Manager
Graham Brown
Refreshments Manager Carol Jones
Publicity Manager Karen Broyd
Survey Manager
Colin Carmichael
Programme Support
Andy Whiting
Refreshments Support
Sarah Lane
IT Support & Publicity Design
Chris Beynon


Around 140, all with one thing in common - a love of travel and a keen interest in planet Earth.