Guildford Travel Club Presents

Tortillas to Totems

1st October 2013

Sam Manicom

Monument Valley
Sam & Birgit in Monument Valley

Riding through Mexico, the USA and Canada. After six and a half years travelling by motorcycle around the world, Sam and his partner Birgit headed north into Mexico. Bandits and gun toting policemen? Not what was scaring Sam... The USA was.

The duo had spent most of the prior years in developing countries in Africa, and South and Central America. The thought of riding northwards into a brash modern world of consumerism didn't appeal to Sam at all. He feared that being first world, the USA would be too easy and too familiar; perhaps rather ordinary. He couldn't have been more wrong. The next 18 months were going to be far more than a reverse culture shock!

 Adventure Motorcycle Travel Books and much more.

Excerpts, Readers' Feedback, Reviews, Photos and much more on all of Sam's books
‘Into Africa’, ‘Under Asian Skies’, ‘Distant Suns’ and now... ‘Tortillas to Totems’

Check out Kindle on and on

Link up with Sam on Twitter @SamManicom and on Facebook - lots going on on his pages.