Guildford Travel Club Presents

Eastern Turkey

16th December 2014

Diana Darke

Hosap Castle
Hosap Castle

Diana, a widely-respected author, journalist and Middle East expert, explores this little-known region from the mighty Tigris and Euphrates to spectacular Lake Van and Mt Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and permanently snow-covered.

We visit Nemrut Dagi, then move through the Syrian-style city of Gaziantep and the Zeugma Mosaics, on to Halfeti and Rumkale with its Byzantine fortress stranded on an island. We continue up to Gobekli Tepe and the Syriac heartlands of the Tur Abdin with its ancient monasteries and the two centres of Mardin and Midyat, famous for their food and wine, and finally reach the Black Sea Coast at Trebizond, with more visits to local churches, monasteries and Ataturk's summer villa.

Mount Nemrut
Mount Nemrut
Ishak Pasa palace
Ishak Pasa palace
Gypsy girl mosaic
Gypsy girl mosaic
Akdamar island in Lake Van
Akdamar island in Lake Van
Ishak Pasa palace
Ishak Pasa palace detail