Members' Evening & Ethiopia – History & Culture
17th November 2015
Elizabeth and Ben Baker
Join us for our annual members' social evening. We start with a photo quiz compiled by Harry and Jean Wickens on a theme of 50 years of Guildford Travel Club. We will then enjoy a BYO buffet and in the second half of the evening listen to a short travel talk given by previous club committee members Elizabeth and Ben Baker.
This was the latest of many “travels of exploration” by Elizabeth and Ben to see as much of Ethiopia in less than three weeks. Travelling by air and road in a figure of eight from Addis Abba, north to Axum via Lake Tana, Gonder and Lalibela, then south to the tribes and markets of the Omo Valley. This presentation will give you a glimpse of the huge variety of life and history in this part of Africa from the Queen of Sheba to Haile Sellassi and into modern Ethiopia.
Omo Men Face, Head and Body Decoration
Lalibela Stone Church
Omo woman with Lip Plate
Omo Women
Omo Boy on Stilts