Guildford Travel Club Presents

Walking the Longest Wadi in Arabia

21st March 2017

Chris Bradley

Shibam mud skyscrapers
Chris became the first westerner in modern times to walk the entire length of Wadi Hadramaut in Southern Arabia, the longest wadi in Arabia. Solo and unsupported, it took him 21 days to cover a total distance of almost 500kms through historical sites and well-armed tribal communities. His route took him past the mud skyscrapers of Shibam, an ancient incense trading town little changed in 3,000 years. Then through the capital of Wadi Hadramaut at Seiyun with its mud-built sultan's palace and then to the religious centre of Tarim. After a detour to a Bedouin wedding, the most difficult section was crossing 70 kms of desert with no access to water.

Chris Bradley has travelled extensively in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, initially as a civil engineer then as an adventure tour leader author and consultant. Chris founded Zanzibar Films with Matt Dickinson in 1987. He is an expert on the Middle East and North Africa. Chris has written several guidebooks - Discovery Guide To Yemen; Berlitz Guides to Libya, Cairo, Abu Dhabi, Red Sea, Insight Guide to Egypt, The Silk Road, and The Nile. He supplies four photographic libraries with contemporary travel pictures, including the Royal Geographical Society.

colourful locals
Some colourful locals
brown town in brown desert
A brown town in a brown desert
wadi canyon
In the canyon