Guildford Travel Club Presents

Patagonia – The Last Place Man Came

4th April 2017

John Harrison


For John's first travel book he went to Patagonia, the southernmost land on earth outside Antarctica, where tribes living a hunter-gatherer existence survived into the twentieth century. He met the last survivors and explored the remote channels where they fished, often naked, in the wild waters down to Cape Horn.

John's grandfather and great-grandfather, both seamen, had met them. John roamed the wild pampa where they hunted, and interviewed the descendants of the English missionary who tried to save them from civilisation. The result was Where the Earth Ends, a Sunday Times book of the week. John has returned to that area over fifty times.

John Harrison is an award-winning travel, history and fiction writer and an experienced lecturer who made his fiftieth trip to Antarctica at the end of 2014. He has rounded Cape Horn fifteen times. When not writing, he guides, and drives small boats, mostly in polar regions. John is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a member of the British Guild of Travel Writers.

Torres del Paine, Patagonia
Wild water in Torres del Paine NP
Patagonian tribespeople
Archive image of tribespeople
Gray Fox
Gray Fox
RIB in windy weather
Hang on to your hats!