Cycling the Six Continents
16th October 2018
Stephen Fabes

A six year bike ride by A&E doctor Stephen Fabes. 54,000 miles across 75 countries and 6 continents visiting remote medical projects en route.
In 2010 junior doctor Stephen Fabes cycled away from St Thomas' Hospital in central London and over the next 6 years pedalled the length of six of the earth's continents, clocking up a distance equivalent to more than twice around the world.
He opted for remote roads, cycling through Syria and Afghanistan, over frozen lakes in a Mongolia winter, across the Sahara and surviving marauding hoards of school children armed to the milk teeth with snowballs in Kent. On the way he visited remote medical projects to see how marginalisation impacts on health, where he interviewed slum dwellers, drug addicts, nomads, and patients with mental illness and deforming and infectious diseases.
Stephen currently works part-time at the same hospital and is writing a book describing his travels, the life of a junior doctor and tales of other pioneering adventure cyclists! He is also a freelance journalist contributing to The Telegraph, BBC, CNN and The Guardian among others, on subjects including politics, health and travel.
His thirst for adventure has also taken him to the 5610 metre summit of the active volcano Damavand in Iran, to Wales to summit every mountain over 3000 feet in 24 hours, to New Caledonia to hike across the island with a bivvy bag and tarp and, as a 19-year-old, to South America to cycle the length of Chile with his 17-year-old brother.
His website can be found here.