Guildford Travel Club Presents

He and she-types – Jaguars and other big cats

5th March 2019

Paul Goldstein

The Speaker

Paul Goldstein has spent much of the last 25 years relentlessly pursuing big cats. He has always professed that there is no such thing as a purrfect wildlife image of any animal let alone elusive cats, but if you are a cheetah, lion, leopard or jaguar fan come and see how close he has come. He is ridiculously critical of his and frankly many other’s work and any praise is hard won from him but he is a guide as the Sunday Times says ‘of psychotic gusto’ and also ‘preposterously vivacious’. A code of ethics when photographing is critical to him and it should never be an image at any cost. He has worked for Exodus for almost 25 years and co-owns four very successful small eco camps in Kenya. This will be as outspoken and lavishly illustrated as ever … you’ve been warned.

For more about Paul see his website.

Camera shy leopard
Leopard on a termite hill