Guildford Travel Club Presents

Walking with Morocco’s Berber Warriors

20th October 2020

Alan Palmer

The Speaker

Last autumn Alan accompanied an Aït ‘Atta family, their camels, sheep and goats, on their winter migration trek from their High Atlas pastures to their Jebel Sahro homeland, the Land of Drought, deep in the south.

A remote route used only by transhumants, they would not see a single permanent settlement for eight days.

Alan shares the insight he gained into this little-understood, traditional culture and the modern pressures it increasingly faces.

Alan has trekked extensively throughout Morocco since his first visit in 1979. Author of Moroccan Atlas - The Trekking Guide (2014) and founder of Yak Travel, organising treks and tours throughout Morocco and north-east India, he is a fellow of the RGS, life member of the British Moroccan Society and member of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs.

Camel train
Berber and his village
Arid rock scenery
Trainee sheep dog and handler
Between two camels