Guildford Travel Club Presents

Crossing Iceland: A Journey from South to North on Foot

29th March 2022

Will Copestake

The Speaker

Will Copestake, the 2015 UK and Scottish Adventurer of the Year, takes us on a journey through his first big self-propelled expedition. Accompanied by his friend and flatmate Remi Mcmurtry, the two students set out on their three-month summer holiday to cross Iceland from geographic south to north cardinal points, a thirty-two-day-long trek across the country. Ambitiously, they arrived in Iceland with just £600 each to last three months.

Starting by crossing the infamous Eyjafjallajökull volcano, at the time just six months old, the pair continued into the barren interior. Little did they know it would be the coldest summer in 69 years, bringing unexpected challenges, re-thought plans and ultimately success. Altogether, it was the adventure of a lifetime.

Find out more about Will on his website.

Not all of Iceland is barren (Þórsmörk…Thor’s Valley)
Golden light and some dramatic geology (Landmannalaugar)
One of Iceland's many impressive waterfalls (Skóga river)
Rivers to cross
A man can fly!