Guildford Travel Club Presents

Journey into the Strangest Lands

4th April 2023

Nick Hunt

The Speaker

Nick Hunt has walked and written across much of Europe. In this talk, he takes us on a journey through four European landscapes that seemingly should not be there: a patch of Arctic tundra in Scotland; primeval forest in Poland and Belarus; Europe's only desert in Spain; and the vast grassland steppes of Hungary. Each of these landscapes is a portal to faraway parts of the world, to cultures and times that are not our own. The walks become a journey not only through deep time, but into our uncertain future.

Nick is the author of three travel books – ‘Outlandish,’ ‘Where the Wild Winds Are’ and ‘Walking the Woods and the Water’ – and a work of gonzo ornithology, ‘The Parakeeting of London’.

For more about Nick, visit his website.

European Bison
A harsh landscape
Putting on a show