Guildford Travel Club Presents

Photogenic Namibia

30th January 2024

Kav Dadfar

The Speaker

There are very few countries in the world where one can photograph such an array of different genres of photography as in Namibia. Landscape photographers will love the towering dunes of the Deadvlei or the rock formations of Spitzkoppe. For the night owls, staying awake into the early hours will reward them with a chance to photograph the Milky Way over the gorgeous Quiver Trees Forest in Keetmanshoop. And those whose passion is in photographing people and culture can head beyond the paved road in Opuwo to capture the amazing tribes that have been roaming these lands for generations.

There are coastlines complete with thousands of seals, shipwrecks, birds and then there is the iconic ghost town of Kolmanskop in Luderitz to explore. Plus, as you would expect in Africa, plenty of opportunities for wildlife photographers in private reserves like Erindi or the world-famous Etosha National Park.

For more about Kav and his photography, pop over to his website.

Burchell's Zebra
Quiver Trees
Elder Himba
Spotted Hyena
Deadvlei dunes and Camelthorn skeletons