Guildford Travel Club Presents

The Last Overland

13th February 2024

Alex Bescoby

The Speaker

The Last Overland paid homage to one of the most challenging and iconic road journeys, the 1955 Far Eastern expedition from London to Singapore. To recreate this historic journey (this time in reverse from Singapore to London) Alex joined forces with 87-year-old Tim Slessor, one of the original members of the team.  In an amazing twist of fate, ‘Oxford’, one of the Land Rovers used in the 1955 expedition, was rescued from rusting on the Atlantic island of Saint Helena and Alex and his team forged a path across 13000 miles through dense rainforests, towering mountain ranges and arid deserts to bring it back home to London.  Alex will investigate how the world has changed since the first expedition and explore themes of family ties, post-colonialism and the Land Rover religion.

For a preview, there is more to read on the expedition website.

Arriving at Bagan, Myanmar
Windscreen view of a road in Tibet
Encounter with elephants in Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India
Old Vehicles come with their Mechanical Issues
Celebrations at the Highest Road Pass, Tibet, China