Guildford Travel Club Presents

Indonesia’s Spice Islands

9th April 2024

Alex Robinson

The Speaker

Indonesia’s nutmeg and clove-scented Maluku and Raja Ampat archipelagos are little-known to world travellers nowadays, yet they changed world history: inspiring Magellan, Drake and Columbus’s voyages. This talk takes you on a journey through this astonishingly beautiful group of islands, its pristine rainforests filled with Birds of Paradise, its volcano islands fringed with teeming coral reefs and its myriad beautiful beaches. And the islands are easy to visit. You’ll find out how.

For a bit more information on Alex's travels take a look at this article on Wanderlust.

Banda Besar (Great Banda) island, local boys in wooden canoes on the Indian Ocean, silhouetted by the setting sun
Seram island, a southern or double-wattled cassowary (Casuarius casuarius)
Banda Islands, view from the summit of Gunung Api volcano
 Banda Islands, Banda Neira