Guildford Travel Club Presents

AGM & What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

23rd April 2024

Neil Pitts

The Speaker

Following an 18-month battle with COVID-19 and long COVID, Neil Pitts decided that he needed a challenge. So, in the winter of 2022, he and two friends attempted to ski the length of Norway, a journey that took more than three months.

This long-distance route, called the Norge på langs, is approximately 2,500km long. Only one or two people attempt it during winter each year. Most fail.

Neil’s presentation not only describes this incredible challenge but also gives an insight into the obstacles he had to overcome just to get to the start line. Plagued by the effects of long COVID and injuries prior to the trip, he had never previously been on Nordic skis.

Some of the equipment used during the journey will be on show.

Further information on Neil's journey can be found on his website.

Prior to Neil's talk we will hold the AGM.

Crossing a lake
Reindeer ahead!
Locked shelter in the eye of the storm
Leaving Abisko