
A list of this season's talks appears below, click on an individual entry for more information.

  • Catherine with hookah

    Northern Iran: Assassins and Gold

    October 2nd

    Catherine Moorehead

    A 2,800km trip through Iran’s northern regions, from the Turkish to the Afghan borders via the Zagros and Alborz mountains and the Great Salt Desert.

  • Stephen in S. America

    Cycling the Six Continents

    October 16th

    Stephen Fabes

    Over six years, A&E doctor Stephen cycled 54,000 miles through 75 countries and six continents visiting remote medical projects en route.

  • Charlie atop some rocks

    A Long Walk from Mexico to Canada

    November 6th

    Charlie Knight

    Faced with anxiety and depression, Charlie took the “black dog” for a long walk across America on the Pacific Crest Trail through the heart of the American wilderness.

  • Jenny somewhere tropical

    Running the World’s Mountains

    November 20th

    Jenny Tough

    Join Jenny on her world-first solo mountain running expeditions, including the High Atlas of Morocco and the Sierra Occidental of Bolivia.

  • Trump graffito

    Social Evening, Palestine: Beyond the Wall

    December 4th

    Janet Parsons

    Members’ only evening, with quiz and buffet. Then Janet takes us to some remarkable sites in the Judaean desert and to Qumran, Hebron and Jerusalem.

  • Kyrgyzstan gentlemen

    Nomads in the Tian Shan

    December 18th

    Sam McManus

    Hiking, climbing and horse riding in the great lakes and stunning Tian Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan, as well as a description of attending the 2018 World Nomad Games!

  • evacuation sign

    Hawaii: The Pacific Anomaly

    January 15th

    David Edwards

    David takes us on a tour of Hawaii, one of the most intriguing places on the planet. See volcanoes, Pearl Harbour, diverse cultures and wildlife.

  • Sperm whale fluke

    Portugal’s 23 Atlantic Islands

    January 29th

    Ian Coates

    These islands share Portuguese heritage, but the Azores and Madeira are very much part of Europe, while Cape Verde and Sao Tome have followed their African heritage.

  • Tribal old woman from Arunachal

    Indian & Nepalese Himalayas

    February 5th

    Chris Beynon

    Chris contrasts Arunachal Pradesh in NE India which, as a little-visited remote region, makes an interesting comparison with the more mainstream tourist areas of Nepal.

  • Rhino resting

    A Journey through Southern Africa

    February 19th

    Jenny Bowen

    Journey with Jenny through Botswana, Namibia and the Kingdom of Swaziland as she weaves quirky tales and maybe even a few animal impersonations too!

  • Pantanal jaguar

    Jaguars and other Big Cats

    March 5th

    Paul Goldstein

    Paul has spent much of the last 25 years relentlessly pursuing big cats and this talk will be as outspoken and lavishly illustrated as ever... you’ve been warned...

  • smiling arab

    Through Sand and Snow

    March 19th

    Charlie Walker

    In 2010 Charlie embarked on an odyssey that lasted four years and covered 46,000 miles through Europe, Asia and Africa by foot, bicycle, horse and dugout canoe.

  • armed Pakastani men

    Journey into the Hindu Kush

    April 2nd

    Jonny Bealby

    With epic mountain landscapes, a diverse and varied population and an improving security situation, N.Pakistan is again one of adventure travel’s most exciting destinations.

  • Zanzibar boats

    AGM + Tanzania: Three Ways

    April 16th

    Sharon Collins

    After our AGM Sharon explores three different sides to Tanzania by undertaking a safari, a trip to Zanzibar and a gruelling trek up Africa’s highest mountain, Kilimanjaro.

These are the main items of the programme, but they may be subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control. Other events will be announced at the meetings and in our newsletters.

Download this season's programme as a pdf file

Download this season's programme as a calendar file

Members' Evenings:

Members' evenings are given during the season, for members by members, either in their own homes or in the small hall at Onslow Village Hall. Full details and bookings will be available at regular Club meetings.

We would like to be able to offer a programme of Members' Evenings this season, so if you have digital photographs or slides and have some interesting travels to share, please let us know!